[ Home ]                                                                                     ►   Find documentation to Rock Samples collected near the Crater in Italy on the following pag :     ►   Rock-Samples from Italy ( Sapri area ) 


                                                                                     ►   Detailed description of the :  Impact Crater in Italy     ►  as PDF :    Europe_Italy & Spain Impact Event.pdf


Europe was formed by ejecta of the Permian-Triassic Impact Event,  which impacted in the Mediterranean-area 253 Ma ago


The following maps and information shall provide first evidence of the impact scenario which took place in the Mediterranean-area at the P/T-boundary ( 253 million years ago ).

The shown maps describe the whole impact-related process which formed Europe over the last 253 Ma.     


The hard evidence for the impact hypothesis are two Impact Craters in Italy, which are already noticable as such on the Tectonic Map of Europe.

The estimated diameter of the two craters is ~ 220 km for the western crater and ~ 160 km for the eastern crater.    See explanation below :

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Weblink to the :  geological map of Italy