[ Home ] ► Find documentation to Rock Samples collected near the Impact Structures in Spain on this page :
► Rock-Samples from Spain_1 ► Rock-Samples from Spain_3
► Detailed description of the : Impact Structures in Spain ► as PDF : Europe_Italy & Spain Impact Event.pdf
► Please also read this document : Raman spectroscopic analysis of samples from the island Mallorca ( Note : > sample 6-c refers to sample 50 from Spain 3 )
Further indications for a largescale impact event in Europe can be found in Spain & Portugal
In the South and South-East of Spain, and in Morocco, there are large-scale secondary impact structures visible, which probably were caused by Ejecta from the Permian Triassic (PT) - Impact Event, which produced a large
elliptical Impact Crater Ø 1270 x 950 km in the Arctic Sea close to the North-Pole ~ 253 Ma ago.
In all probability the described impact structures in Spain are a result of Ejecta from this gigantic impact crater, which impacted on the mainland of Spain and caused these secondary impact structures.
There are linear structures and bow-shaped structures noticeable on land and on the ocean floor between Spain and Morocco.
The linear structures indicate the
direction where the impactors came from, which probably was the area of the PT-Impact Crater. The bow-shaped structures clearly indicate that the two
impactors, which produced these structures, were travelling towards south-west
when they impacted. The bow-shaped structures further indicate the strong
compression in Earth’s crust which was caused by the impacts west & south-west
of the impact centers.
Because the whole area was obviously covered by flood lava directly after the
impact (
this is visible on 3D satellite-maps of Google Earth ) only the areas
which are free of flood-lava-remains will provide the impact related evidence to
confirm this impact event !!
Rock Samples which indicate an impact event where found in the yellow marked areas (S). The samples show similarities to samples from Italy. Note : Impact Breccia was found in a small elliptical Crater !!!